Delft Plate/Bowl


Blue and White with spaced border and flowers in the center


I am unable to find one anywhere online that matches mine. I am not knowledgeable and would just like to hear from someone that could possibly confirm authenticity and date this piece.

10 3/4" across, 2" deep

Reacties 5

Uw bord behoort niet tot het authentieke delfts aardewerk uit de periode van circa 1650-1850, maar is nieuw, vervaardigd in Gouda bij de wereldberoemde Plateelbakkerij ’Zuid-Holland’ (1898-1964), ookwel genoemd P.Z.H. en K.P.Z. en ook Plazuid, uw bord is gemaakt vóór 1932. De fabrieksgebouwen werden gesloopt, er verrezen appartementen en flatwoningen (straatnaam onder andere Plazuidplein). Twee buitentegeltableau’s door het bedrijf gemaakt in circa 1918 werden behouden, waarvan één van de plateelschilder Daniël Harkink, formaat 200 x 106 cm, groet jvdh.

Your plate does not belong to the authentic Delft earthenware from the period around 1650-1850, but is new, made in Gouda at the world famous Plateelbakkerij 'Zuid-Holland' (1898-1964), also called P.Z.H. and K.P.Z. and also Plazuid, your sign was made before 1932. The factory buildings were demolished, apartments and flats were built (street name including Plazuidplein). Two outdoor tile panels made by the company in circa 1918 were preserved, one of which was by the pottery painter Daniël Harkink, size 200 x 106 cm, greetings jvdh.''''


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more
  • Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft. Read more

Again with great thanks to mr. Van den Heuvel! 👊